Mary Berry Fifteen Recipe

Mary Berry Fifteen Recipe

Dive into the world of Northern Irish cuisine with the delightful Fifteens recipe, a no-bake fridge cake that's as easy to make as it is delicious. This classic treat combines crushed digestive biscuits, glacé cherries, quartered marshmallows, and stollen bites, all bound together with condensed milk for a sweet, chewy delight. Perfect for parties and kid-friendly kitchen activities, Fifteens are rolled in toasted, finely chopped hazelnuts and optional desiccated coconut for an added crunch.

Ingredients for the Fifteens Recipe:

  • 15 digestive biscuits
  • 15 glacé cherries
  • 15 marshmallows, quartered
  • 15 stollen bites, quartered
  • 180ml condensed milk
  • 60g toasted and finely chopped hazelnuts
  • A handful of desiccated coconut (optional)

Preparation Instructions:

  1. Start by crushing the biscuits and mixing them with the cherries, marshmallows, and stollen bites, then blend in the condensed milk.
  2. Toast and chop the hazelnuts, mixing them with desiccated coconut if you like.
  3. Form the mixture into a roll on cling film, coat with the nuts, and wrap tightly.
  4. Chill in the fridge for at least two hours before slicing to serve.

Storage and Reheating: Fifteens are best stored in an airtight container in the fridge and can last for up to a week. No reheating is necessary, making them a perfect grab-and-go treat.

Nutritional Information: This recipe is rich in sugars and fats due to the condensed milk, biscuits, and nuts. For detailed nutritional values, consider the ingredients used.

FAQ about the Fifteens Recipe:

  • Can I substitute any ingredients? Yes, the stollen bites can be replaced with other dried fruits or sweet treats.
  • How long do Fifteens last? Properly stored, they can last up to a week in the fridge.
  • Are Fifteens gluten-free? No, due to the digestive biscuits, but gluten-free alternatives can be used.

This recipe, first published in 2020, is a testament to the simplicity and joy of Northern Irish baking​​.

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